Supporting women in private equity across CEE Visit LinkedIn page

Level 20 CEE host outreach events in schools and universities to encourage young women to join the industry. Other key initiatives include mentoring, advocacy and networking.


Women in private equity and VC in Poland

Level 20, PSIK and Abris Capital Partners published the first report on the number of women working in investment roles in the Polish private equity and venture capital industry — providing an initial dataset on gender diversity, including levels of seniority, in investment teams in Poland.

Read the report here.

Poland Report 2

Why private equity is an exciting career for women

In collaboration with PISK, Level 20 has hosted panel discussions and networking sessions for students at the University of Lodz who are interested in private equity and VC.

Poland Lecture Lr

Upcoming events

Level 20 CEE regularly runs events — both digital and physical — encouraging attendance from all its members, both old and new.

Stay up to date with future events:

Committee members

Level 20 CEE gives its thanks to of all its committee members who give up their time and work together to help make a difference in pushing private equity forward.

The committee is made up of 8x professionals from across the industry:

Monika Nachyla

Sharing insight with our members as to why private equity is an exciting career for women through our outreach activity is vital to increasing the number of women in the industry. We will continue our tracking of representation which is vital to helping us to continue tracking progress in Poland.


Former CEE Committee Chair